VR Experience

Doge VR

Using the VR medium to explore embodiment and perspective switching in ways that would not be possible through other media . This experience can be used to shape behaviours and social and emotional intelligence. And explore game experience through different perspective.In Doge VR,  player identifies as a family dog and explore embodiment and perspective switching through dog-like interactions and play simple quests. 


Talk like a dog-  Using the input action manager, I added a barking and sniffing mechanic to the game. When the user presses the either the left or right controller trigger, it activates a sound response!

See like a dog- Another element incorporated is 'dog vision'. I implemented this using Unity's post-processing settings.1 followed research into what colours dogs can see (due to the blue and yellow photoreceptors in their eyes) and recreated this for the game. ​

Think like a dog- UI text panels display the dog's thoughts as they wonder about the apartment, seeking out food, water, and vases to smash. We used simple, broken English to convey the dog's thought processes.​I designed the virtual environment, story narrative and the visual concepts for the scenes.

3 Quests

  • Find food - Triggered by approaching the empty food bowl.

  • Find water - Triggered by approaching the toilet in the bathroom.
  • Break all the vases - Triggered once a vase has been broken.

Design Implimentation