Digital Design

Digital media Graphics

As a part of Bennett Coleman & Co Ltd., I created over a thousand commercial and artistic 2D visuals for the rapidly evolving digital media industry. These graphics showcase my ability to create visual displays around a variety of subjects.

My responsibilities

  • Proposed the use of graphics to aid text-heavy website stories. 

  • Create graphics to increase the organic footprint of different properties on digital platforms.

  • Experiment and develop strategies to present news in creative and unique formats.

  • Maintain and uplift the brand value across verticals, with a strong attention to transmedia culture

  • Revamp TimesNow Facebook and Instagram pages by introducing news through graphics

  • This revamping helped in increasing the organic reach on the social media handles.

Challenges faced

  • Working in short deadlines, sometimes even a couple of minutes, to deliver breaking news updates through visual media.


  • Develop user centric design approach by working in brevity.

  • Daily news gathering improved my language skills.

  • Inculcate skill to best communicate with audience on digital media.

  • Strengthen knowledge about the socio-political sphere and major world events.
